"My name is Pride.
I am a cheater. I cheat you of your God-given destiny . . . Because you demand your own way.
I cheat you of contentment . . . Because you "deserve better than this."
I cheat you of knowledge . . . Because you already know it all.
I cheat you of healing . . . Because you're too full of me to forgive.
I cheat you of holiness . . . Because you refuse to admit when your wrong.
I cheat you of vision . . . Because you'd rather look in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship . . . Because nobody's going to know the real you.
I cheat you of love . . . Because real romance demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in heaven . . . Because I convince you to seek your own.
I am a cheater. I cheat you of your God-given destiny . . . Because you demand your own way.
I cheat you of contentment . . . Because you "deserve better than this."
I cheat you of knowledge . . . Because you already know it all.
I cheat you of healing . . . Because you're too full of me to forgive.
I cheat you of holiness . . . Because you refuse to admit when your wrong.
I cheat you of vision . . . Because you'd rather look in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship . . . Because nobody's going to know the real you.
I cheat you of love . . . Because real romance demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in heaven . . . Because I convince you to seek your own.
My name is Pride. I am a cheater. You like me because you think I'm
always looking out for you. Untrue. I'm looking to make a fool out of
you. God has so much for you, I admit, but don't worry . . .
If you stick with me you'll never know..."
(From Praying God's Word by Beth Moore)
Have you ever watched a movie or a show where the main character ends up playing right into the antagonists evil plan, but the whole time you're going "STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO DOOO!!!!!"
That must be how God feels watching us... We think we "already know it all.." But He knows all along that what we're doing here and now will lead us to a certain place. But we, thinking we've got this covered and that nothing is wrong right now keep going. I mean we're invincible christians right? What can happen with God on our team?
Haha jokes on you, you just got played! Right team wrong game plan... God is the Captain (or should be if we want to win). Not us. He is God. Not us. He is omniscient. We are not. He knows and already made the plan. We don't and didn't.
And as for the plan for our lives: I watched a tv show where the main character sees a part of his future and then immediately starts trying to change it.
Compare that to your life. Think about what you've gone through. Back up ten or so years and imagine what the younger you would've thought about all that's happened since. I read an article that put it this way (the article is where I got this nugget of wisdom ;P - http://andsonsmagazine.com/27/what-do-when-you-find-yourself-hating-your-life#.WJ1Oen-WZxg - here's the link if you want to read it, great article and site)
"I can honestly say now that looking back over the 30 years since I was 26, I am so profoundly grateful God did not tell me everything that was going to go down. It would have been overwhelming; I wouldn’t have been able to take the next step or the one after that. What He gave me was the next step, each step of the way.
"I wouldn’t have been able to take the next step or the one after that." Knowing the future would actually be pretty scary right, hence why God saves us the fear that is anticipation. We get stressed out over a shot we're getting later today and thinking about getting it is worse than actually getting it, and the same thing applies to the future/plan for our lives. He doesn't tell us A. because we would freak out and B. we wouldn't want to admit we need Him.
So don't let pride do to you what it did to me. "I cheat you of contentment . . . Because you "deserve better than this." We don't deserve better or get better just because we're christians. We aren't owed anything and this world definitely isn't going easy, the sooner we learn that the crazy stressful times are just a part of life the sooner we can let go of expectations. Or rather put our expectations where they should be, we can and should expect that God will always be there. No it's not always going to be like Him coming down for the first time to save you and your problems magically disappear - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/Prince Caspian (movies) "Why couldn't you just come roaring in and save us like last time?" -Lucy "Things never happen the same way twice, dear one." -Aslan. Our walk with God might start off with a bang but we have to learn how to truly walk with Him sooner or later. Just like He didn't want robots He wants us to learn and grow and the only way that can happen is through suffering. Yeah it hurts and there are times it feels like you can't go any further, anxiety and depression are pretty crippling things to live with. But God promises peace and joy:
And Jesus also said that He has overcome this world,. anything it can throw at us, He's stronger. He's offered us peace, but will we take it?
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Yep. Jesus just told us we're going to have tribulation or "severe affliction". That makes us feel broken, sinful, stuck, helpless, too far gone.
But what if we aren't supposed to "get fixed"? What if our cracks are what God wants, what makes us beautiful? Now in the midst of depression it's hard to think your worth anything. But "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy." Psalms 94:19. Now I'm not saying the mistakes actually make us beautiful but they are what let God shine through. That's how you overcome the brokenness that has you down. Let God shine. When He's shining through you it fills you up and makes the problems grow dim, No they aren't gone but they aren't knocking you down, the weight is gone and you can get out of that hole.
No we aren't going to be perfect. That's something that has been hard for my perfectionist self. But! Here's what I meant by "What if our cracks are what God wants, what makes us beautiful?"
We are His beautiful mess. Let that sink in, we broken selfish beings are the adopted (which means He chose us knowing we weren't anywhere close to perfect or problem-less) kids of the Perfect and Sinless Creator of the universe. That is the ONLY thing that matters.
We may have shattered hearts, but we're (in spite of every single mistake or weird thing about ourselves that we struggle with) perfectly made. They ain't nothing wrong with us. God created us. He let this world taint us with sin. He knew of our mistakes. Our failures. What would weigh us down and paralyze us. Yet He still created us. He loves us anyway. He loves those who are lost through our mistakes. He shows the world and His children who He is through our cracks. We are perfectly made:
"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, my soul knows it very well." Psalms 139:14
And from verses 1-4 & 15-18 of Psalms God already knows our every thought and deed past, present and future. And loves us anyway!
"Oh I can't run, I can't hide even darkness is a light from the lowest place to the highest praise You are worthy amazing love how can it be far too wonderful for me there's only one thing left to say You are
(Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful) - Shane & Shane. Amazing song.)
You can look in the mirror and in spite of the past you can't erase, the depression and anxiety that cripple you or anything else. And with complete confidence say (to quote mom's night out) "I'm a mess. But I'm a beautiful mess. And that's enough."
"I think that when we get to Heaven
We're gonna laugh when we can see
How hard we try to make it
And how easy it should be"
(Praise the Lord - Crowder)
That's how easy it is. Let God shine through your cracks and trust that He has a plan for them. He will heal them in His time and right now He's using them for a purpose beyond our understanding. Love God and whenever you feel like your slipping, renew your trust and the knowledge that you are His, take a moment and pray. The relief of doing that gives so much peace. You just need to have the humility to stop and do it.
Yeah it's hard and I'm definitely still working on it. but I hope you'll work on this with me. I'll pray for you (if you ask me) and you can pray for me. God is stronger than our weaknesses and wants this for us so badly, He can work it out in us. If we surrender ourselves and let Him - "Let it go" by Tenth Avenue North"
So in closing, for me it's more than enough to say I'm God's own beautiful little mess. Made in His image and redeemed by His love
Thanks for reading,
If you stick with me you'll never know..."
(From Praying God's Word by Beth Moore)
Have you ever watched a movie or a show where the main character ends up playing right into the antagonists evil plan, but the whole time you're going "STOP!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO DOOO!!!!!"
That must be how God feels watching us... We think we "already know it all.." But He knows all along that what we're doing here and now will lead us to a certain place. But we, thinking we've got this covered and that nothing is wrong right now keep going. I mean we're invincible christians right? What can happen with God on our team?
Haha jokes on you, you just got played! Right team wrong game plan... God is the Captain (or should be if we want to win). Not us. He is God. Not us. He is omniscient. We are not. He knows and already made the plan. We don't and didn't.
And as for the plan for our lives: I watched a tv show where the main character sees a part of his future and then immediately starts trying to change it.
Compare that to your life. Think about what you've gone through. Back up ten or so years and imagine what the younger you would've thought about all that's happened since. I read an article that put it this way (the article is where I got this nugget of wisdom ;P - http://andsonsmagazine.com/27/what-do-when-you-find-yourself-hating-your-life#.WJ1Oen-WZxg - here's the link if you want to read it, great article and site)
"I can honestly say now that looking back over the 30 years since I was 26, I am so profoundly grateful God did not tell me everything that was going to go down. It would have been overwhelming; I wouldn’t have been able to take the next step or the one after that. What He gave me was the next step, each step of the way.
"I wouldn’t have been able to take the next step or the one after that." Knowing the future would actually be pretty scary right, hence why God saves us the fear that is anticipation. We get stressed out over a shot we're getting later today and thinking about getting it is worse than actually getting it, and the same thing applies to the future/plan for our lives. He doesn't tell us A. because we would freak out and B. we wouldn't want to admit we need Him.
So don't let pride do to you what it did to me. "I cheat you of contentment . . . Because you "deserve better than this." We don't deserve better or get better just because we're christians. We aren't owed anything and this world definitely isn't going easy, the sooner we learn that the crazy stressful times are just a part of life the sooner we can let go of expectations. Or rather put our expectations where they should be, we can and should expect that God will always be there. No it's not always going to be like Him coming down for the first time to save you and your problems magically disappear - the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe/Prince Caspian (movies) "Why couldn't you just come roaring in and save us like last time?" -Lucy "Things never happen the same way twice, dear one." -Aslan. Our walk with God might start off with a bang but we have to learn how to truly walk with Him sooner or later. Just like He didn't want robots He wants us to learn and grow and the only way that can happen is through suffering. Yeah it hurts and there are times it feels like you can't go any further, anxiety and depression are pretty crippling things to live with. But God promises peace and joy:
And Jesus also said that He has overcome this world,. anything it can throw at us, He's stronger. He's offered us peace, but will we take it?
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Yep. Jesus just told us we're going to have tribulation or "severe affliction". That makes us feel broken, sinful, stuck, helpless, too far gone.
But what if we aren't supposed to "get fixed"? What if our cracks are what God wants, what makes us beautiful? Now in the midst of depression it's hard to think your worth anything. But "When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy." Psalms 94:19. Now I'm not saying the mistakes actually make us beautiful but they are what let God shine through. That's how you overcome the brokenness that has you down. Let God shine. When He's shining through you it fills you up and makes the problems grow dim, No they aren't gone but they aren't knocking you down, the weight is gone and you can get out of that hole.
No we aren't going to be perfect. That's something that has been hard for my perfectionist self. But! Here's what I meant by "What if our cracks are what God wants, what makes us beautiful?"
We are His beautiful mess. Let that sink in, we broken selfish beings are the adopted (which means He chose us knowing we weren't anywhere close to perfect or problem-less) kids of the Perfect and Sinless Creator of the universe. That is the ONLY thing that matters.
We may have shattered hearts, but we're (in spite of every single mistake or weird thing about ourselves that we struggle with) perfectly made. They ain't nothing wrong with us. God created us. He let this world taint us with sin. He knew of our mistakes. Our failures. What would weigh us down and paralyze us. Yet He still created us. He loves us anyway. He loves those who are lost through our mistakes. He shows the world and His children who He is through our cracks. We are perfectly made:
"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, my soul knows it very well." Psalms 139:14
And from verses 1-4 & 15-18 of Psalms God already knows our every thought and deed past, present and future. And loves us anyway!
"Oh I can't run, I can't hide even darkness is a light from the lowest place to the highest praise You are worthy amazing love how can it be far too wonderful for me there's only one thing left to say You are
(Psalm 139 (Far Too Wonderful) - Shane & Shane. Amazing song.)
You can look in the mirror and in spite of the past you can't erase, the depression and anxiety that cripple you or anything else. And with complete confidence say (to quote mom's night out) "I'm a mess. But I'm a beautiful mess. And that's enough."
"I think that when we get to Heaven
We're gonna laugh when we can see
How hard we try to make it
And how easy it should be"
(Praise the Lord - Crowder)
That's how easy it is. Let God shine through your cracks and trust that He has a plan for them. He will heal them in His time and right now He's using them for a purpose beyond our understanding. Love God and whenever you feel like your slipping, renew your trust and the knowledge that you are His, take a moment and pray. The relief of doing that gives so much peace. You just need to have the humility to stop and do it.
Yeah it's hard and I'm definitely still working on it. but I hope you'll work on this with me. I'll pray for you (if you ask me) and you can pray for me. God is stronger than our weaknesses and wants this for us so badly, He can work it out in us. If we surrender ourselves and let Him - "Let it go" by Tenth Avenue North"
So in closing, for me it's more than enough to say I'm God's own beautiful little mess. Made in His image and redeemed by His love
Thanks for reading,
Wow.... just wow. This is so deep!